This article is all about funny friendship quotes to make you smile. This list also contains list of long distance friendship quotes which can cheer up.
# Quote 1

Your life is incomplete if you don’t have a friend whom you can call anytime during day or night.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 2

There is no shame to fart in front of your friend. Share on XThere is no shame to fart in front of your friend.
Jamie Smartkins
#Quote 3

Students are motivated to attend schools and colleges just to meet their best friends.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 4

Having many friends is much easier, but having that one gem of a friend is equally difficult. Share on XHaving many friends is much easier, but having that one gem of a friend is equally difficult.
Jamie Smartkins
# Funny Friendship Quote 5
Your birthday celebration is incomplete without your best friends’ wishes.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 6

When the phone disconnects suddenly while talking to your friend, you constantly call back your friend to confirm if he/she is okay so you can sleep peacefully at night.
Jamie Samrtkins.
# Quote 7
Best friends are always there to brighten up your dull mood. Share on XBest friends are always there to brighten up your dull mood.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 8

Best friends trust you more than anything. They can never take somebody bad mouthing about you
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 9

You are fortunate if your best friend is as crazy like you are.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 10

Best friends never spill secrets of each other.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 11

Best friends never forget their good old days and good bad days together.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 12

Best friends have solution to any of your life problems.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 13

Real friends can understand your state of mind just by looking at your face.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 14

Real friends never judge you ever in life. They are always there to lift you up when you are struggling in life
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 15

There’s always warmth and love when your real friend scolds you.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 16

Real friendship is when you call your best friend during the time of loneliness and he/she is always there for you.
Jamie Smartkins
# Quote 17

Real friendship is when your friend can feel you are not well on phone call and immediately comes to your house to take of you.
Jamie Smartkins
Long Distance Friendship Quotes
This list consists of long distance friendship quotes from famous personalities.
Quote 18
Remember, the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree, but in the hearts of true friends.
Cindy Lew
Quote 19
No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.
Robert Southey
Quote 20
Where we love is home – home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Quote 21
A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world
Leo Buscaglia
Freindship Quote 22
A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.
Douglas Pagels
Quote 23
A thousand miles seems pretty far, but they’ve got planes and trains and cars. I’d walk to you if I had no other way.
Plain White T’s
Quote 24
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.
Friendship Quote 25
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Audrey Hepburn
Quote 26
If you’re out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold, all you have to do is call my name, and I’ll be there on the next train.
Carole King
Quote 27
Be slow to fall into friendship; but when thou art in, continue firm and constant.
Quote 28
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
Elisabeth Foley
Friendship Quote 29
True friendship resists time, distance, and silence.
Isabel Allende
Quote 30
A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart.
Hakan Massoud Nawabi
Quote 31
There is magic in long-distance friendships. They let you relate to other human beings in a way that goes beyond being physically together and is often more profound.
Diana Cortes
Quote 32
Can miles truly separate you from friends… If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?
Richard Bach
Quote 33
When twilight drops her curtain down and pins it with a star, remember that you have a friend though she may wander far
L..M. Montgomery
Quote 34
A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than one who is at hand. Is not the mountain far more awe-inspiring and more clearly visible to one passing through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain
Kahlil Gibran
Quote 35
I’m never sad when a friend goes far away, because whichever city or country that friend goes to, they turn the place friendly. They turn a suspicious-looking name on the map into a place where a welcome can be found
Helen Oyeyemi
As there is an old saying a friend in need is a friend indeed, friends are supporting pillars of our life. Hope you can resonate with these friendship quotes and feel motivated and inspired in life. Tell which of these are you favorites?
I love great friend quotes!
Thank you Kendra.
Love this post! All of these really apply to me and my best friends! Put a big smile on my face xxxx
Glad to know you liked these quotes Yaya.
Haha, these are great quotes. I’m going to send these to my BF (I’ve known her for 35 years so she’s more like family but these still apply)!
Great quotes! I love how the quote about farting! Lol
he he.Thank you Lanae.
I’ve cracked up laughing at some of these… and just realised how blessed I am with great friendships!
Glad to know the quotes made you laugh.
What a great collection of quotes! I will share some with my friends!
Best friends like diamonds. Hard to find but precious to keep…
Lovely quotes, quite a lot of them sum up my relationships perfectly actually!
Some really nice quotes. Thanks for sharing.